Full Disclojure
Q: How can I think more like a functional programmer?
A: You can’t change the way you think. Instead, you should write a function that accepts the way you currently think and returns a new way of thinking which is generated by merging your current way of thinking - excluding non-functional ideals - with functional programming concepts.
Robot Servants
The sixth months between the time we all get robot servants and the time the robot uprising begins which leads to our inevitable extinction are going to be freakin’ sweet!
Impostor Syndrome
I started my first job as a web developer recently, and I feel compelled to share the lessons I’ve learned throughout my glorious week-long career.
Ember Magic
I started learning Ember about two weeks ago. It’s been an interesting process to figure out how the pieces work together and, in a lot of cases, what the pieces actually are. In this post, I am going to focus on those individual pieces of an Ember project and how they work together. Spoiler: It is probably witchcraft that makes the Ember magic happen. That’s where I’m at right now.
Web Components are Neat
Developers are lazy. At least the good ones are. Beyond that, we have too much to do and too little time. For both of these reasons, we are constantly searching for ways to use less effort to create more results and we do this by finding patterns in the way that we build things. We then use those patterns to invent ways to build those things faster.
O(n) to the next
O(n) to the next.
An intro to big O notation.
Drinking from a fire hydrant
Thirsty? Here’s a fire hydrant.
A story of how I fell in love with programming.
Design Matters
Monday through Friday and on some weekends you sit down in the morning with a cup of coffee, and convert the caffeine into code. Am I right? Ok some of you developers don’t drink coffee or whatever, but you get my point; you spend a good deal of time arranging symbols, letters, and numbers into instructions that can be interpreted by machines. I want to bring something to your attention. It is… (drum roll please) design! At this point some of you may be rolling your eyes, and probably at least 10% of you stopped reading this altogether. My question to you is; what do you think about design?
How To Become A Super Famous Programmer in Seven Minutes, or Making Your First Open Source Contribution
On my bus ride home, I like to zone out and read the New York Times on my phone. But what about all those typos! I mean, how does that even happen? It’s the New York frickin’ Times!
Npm Modules
There is a first time for everything. This is the story of making and publishing my first npm module. I remember it like it was only a few days ago…
How To Deploy To Firebase
So, you’re awesome and want the world to know it? Watch out Earth, a new star is about to be born. Here is a simple, step-by-step instructional guide on how to deploy a front-end application to Firebase.
Jekyll Blog
Creating this blog led me to learn a few things about how to set up a site with Jekyll. It only makes sense that I get meta with my first proper contribution and tell you how I did it.
Welcome to Reason About. This is a blog that brings fresh insights and information from about 30 new and continually learning web developers together in one space. Specifically, we are a group of soon-to-graduate full stack bootcamp students and instructors. More specifically, we are Galvanizers.