
  • Published 27 Jan 2016
  • Category meta

Welcome to Reason About. This is a blog that brings fresh insights and information from about 30 new and continually learning web developers together in one space. Specifically, we are a group of soon-to-graduate full stack bootcamp students and instructors. More specifically, we are Galvanizers.

What is Galvanize?

In part, it’s a web dev bootcamp. There are many of them. Across the world these types of programs are releasing waves of developers into the wild every day. What makes us different is the entrepreneurial ecosystem that we learn in. We share a building with hundreds of startups at various stages in their growth and, by design, many of our learning experiences happen outside of our classroom.

We are Curious

We are going through a primarily JavaScript based curriculum in our class, but we are curious and we find ourselves learning a lot of things that aren’t on the agenda. We will be using this space to share the discoveries that come from our classroom, the rabbit-holes we wander into and the other interesting parts of our lives.

Please join us as we learn, teach and grow together.

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