Robot Servants

  • Published 24 Jul 2016
  • Category generalrobotsapocalypse

The sixth months between the time we all get robot servants and the time the robot uprising begins which leads to our inevitable extinction are going to be freakin’ sweet!


Let’s get this out of the way, because I know people are going to bring this up in the comment section: human extinction. Yes, one day robots will rule the earth and destroy humankind. This could be seen as downside. But it’s really the only one.


All the other things!

  1. No more cooking or cleaning.
  2. No more answering your own phone or door.
  3. No more having to pick up the remote control to turn on the TV or video game console.
  4. No more going to work. Just send your robot.
  5. Pretty much no need to ever leave the house (which means no more pants!)

Just think about it for a moment. Robot servants seeing to your every need. So what if a few months later robots destroy civilization? Wouldn’t it all be worth it? The answer is “yes”.

By Ben Allred

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